Our Research Projects

Partner dancing for people with an illness with no cure
An Evaluation report by Sheffield Hallam University and Manchester Metropolitan University identifying the benefits of our partner dancing programme for people affected by an illness with no cure.

Research study with the School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science, University College Dublin, Ireland
Dancing for Health and Wellbeing: A feasibility Study Examining Health Impacts of Online Seated Dancing among Pulmonary Fibrosis Patients.

Providing partner dancing for people living with and beyond cancer
There is a shortage of physical activities suitable for people going through or recovering from cancer treatment. This report assessed the impact of partner dancing on their health, physically, socially, emotionally and psychologically….

Working with Macmillan at Chesterfield Royal Hospital
Chesterfield Royal Hospital are the first hospital in the UK to pilot the new programme. The aim of the programme is to improve the physical activity and well-being of recovering cancer patients and their partners. The classes are provided at the hospital free to people getting active after cancer treatment…..

Online Seated Dancing Evaluation Reports during the pandemic
An evaluation report for Active Derbyshire/Sport England on the physical and mental health benefits of the online seated dancing programme during the pandemic.

Partner Dancing at The Winding Wheel, Chesterfield - coming out of the pandemic
This is a report of the Dancing for Health partner dance programme funded by Chesterfield Borough Council. It was aimed at people affected by social isolation during the pandemic and encouraged them to attend face to face sessions and get back out in the community. We measured how the partner dancing impacted their physical and mental health.

Case Study with Drink Wise Age Well
We worked with Drink Wise Age Well and Age UK to provide partner dance classes within a community setting to help people with age or drink related issues….