Working with Macmillan at Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Providing partner dancing for people living with and beyond cancer treatment.

Chesterfield Royal Hospital were the first hospital in the UK to pilot the new programme. The aim of the programme was to improve the physical activity and well-being of recovering cancer patients and their partners. The classes were provided at the hospital free to people getting active after cancer treatment. 


Leading a physically active lifestyle during and after cancer treatment is linked to an improvement in many of the adverse effects of cancer and its treatments. Being active can help to prevent and manage some of the effects of treatment, such as overcoming fatigue, depression, anxiety, muscle wasting whilst also protecting risks to the heart, lungs and bones. Yet only a small percentage of people affected by cancer are regularly physically active. We are hoping that the Dancing for Health programmes offer an alternative physical activity plan where they can also bring a partner for support and encouragement. It will also provide a new skill that they can take away and use at home to stay active everyday. The Classes are relaxed, fun and easy to learn. The dance style is gentle and safe and particularly suitable for recovering cancer patients of all ages.


The classes were a pilot study and ran for 8 weeks. We worked with Liam Humpreys, Researcher for Sheffield Hallam University and Project Manager for Macmillan Active Everyday Programme. The positive impact from this pilot study led to a further and longer study funded by Weston Park Cancer Charity to establish the importance of activities like this in relation to people living with and beyond cancer.